Shareholder Agreements

Restraints in Shareholders Agreements: How Valuable are They?

Shareholders often include restraint provisions or restrictive covenants in their shareholders’ agreement which aim to protect the company’s business and proprietary interests by seeking to ensure that each shareholder, whilst still a shareholder of the company and for a certain period thereafter, will not conduct business which is in competition with the business of the […]

Restraints in Shareholders Agreements: How Valuable are They? Read More »

Takeover Defenses: The Thorn in the Side of US Corporation Shareholders

No decent soap opera is complete without a few episodes dominated by the drama and shenanigans surrounding a hostile takeover bid for a corporation.  U.S. listed companies have long adopted “takeover defenses” to assist them in resisting hostile takeovers.  Aside from making stimulating TV viewing, hostile takeover bids are uniquely placed at the intersection of

Takeover Defenses: The Thorn in the Side of US Corporation Shareholders Read More »

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